Rocket Demo: Passphrase Generator

Rocket is a brand-new web framework for Rust with one of the friendliest guides I’ve ever seen. Having basically no experience with either Rust or web development, I decided to give it a shot.

(Note: At the time of writing, Rocket requires Rust nightly.)

Say we have a function which generates passphrases. It takes arguments for how many words you want in the phrase, and how many digits should be tacked on.

fn passphrase_gen(num_words: u8, num_digits: u8) -> String {

With Rocket, we can define type-safe query strings by a simple struct of their elements. Let’s have optional parameters for our length and digit counts, with defaults we can use otherwise.

struct PhraseParams {
    length: Option<u8>,
    digits: Option<u8>

static DEFAULT_LENGTH: u8 = 4;
static DEFAULT_DIGITS: u8 = 0;

Rocket automatically performs validation. In this case, if one of our parameters is left off, or the value provided is not a u8, we get a None for that field. So, when something tries to access[whatever], let’s translate that to a passphrase_gen() call with appropriate values.

fn phrase_params(params: PhraseParams) -> String {
    let num_words = params.length.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LENGTH);
    let num_digits = params.digits.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_DIGITS);

    passphrase_gen(num_words, num_digits)

You can have multiple routes going to the same path, and specify their order of priority using rank. If someone tries going to /passphrase without a query string, or with a nonsensical one, we can have a fallback.

#[get("/passphrase", rank = 2)]
fn phrase() -> String {


This repository contains a working demo with a Handlebars HTML template that uses XML HTTP requests to our route to update an element’s contents. It also contains some lazy_static insanity for a global CSPRNG and baked-in dictionary for the actual passphrase generator.


Shawn Kinkade — January, 2017